Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

This creativity workshop is designed by Samihah Pargas (they/them), a South African author, model and musician. Self-published at 19 years old in 2019, their debut poetry anthology titled “Early Mourning Hours” continues to move hearts around the world, gathering a following of over 20,000 readers on Instagram. They have graduated from the University of the Witwatersrand with a degree in German and Linguistics majors and additionally obtained a Level 5 Ofqual-regulated 180-Hour TEFL qualification allowing them to instruct English Second Language curriculums at multiple levels. Samihah is also a private tutor, speaker and creativity mentor with a practical and simultaneously inspiring approach to guiding others in learning and creation. They are most interested in the profound wonders of the human condition, and their creative work often contemplates themes such as authenticity, healing, heartache, spirituality and identity. Samihah holds a wealth of knowledge from academic backgrounds, creative experience and personal learning endeavors, and is delighted to share them sincerely with those eager to learn alongside them.

This creativity workshop is intended to open your heart up to the act of creating as more than just selling art you’ve made, more than looking for people to read and validate your poetry. It’s intended to open your heart to seeing your self as more than you have made it out to be. Each week will focus on a different aspect of the creative process, opening with a foundational understanding of the creative identity and ending with a focus on sharing the identity and the work it produces with the outside world. Participants of the workshop will not only be enriched with self-knowledge, but also equipped with practical tools to aid in self-exploration and the refinement of their creative arts all taught by someone who has experience in creation, editing, publication and marketing processes. The aim of the workshop will not be to teach creativity per se, rather, it will serve to demonstrate how to seek, nurture and effectively interact with what is already within each of us through the use of guided discovery, informative discussion, language device lessons, and creative exercises designed to suit the aims of each session. This workshop is optimal for writing, but can certainly be applied to any creative endeavor due to the nature of the lessons and exercises which are developed to inform creativity itself. There will be an emphasis on vulnerability for the duration of the workshop. Participants will be briefed about personal boundaries at the beginning of each session as a measure of courtesy and transparency since some exercises involve interaction with peers. Lastly, any conflicts that possibly arise will be dealt with immediately, no disrespect will be tolerated. As I will do my part to honor the integrity of each participant, I will not partake in negotiations for refunds or other compensations due to conflicts taking place between others during sessions. After I address any matter personally and retain peace, I will consider my obligation fulfilled.

Creativity Workshop - Samihah Pargas