I Can See Clearly Now- Goal Setting + Vision Board
M-Cubed @ UWM
nakeysha Roberts Washington, M.S.ed
Owner of Genre: Urban Arts
Patterns in Success
List 3 times when you felt successful in school.
Are there any similarities in what you did to ensure your success?
List 2 times when you didn’t do so well in school.
What things blocked your from moving towards success?
Write for yourself first then we will Share out:
What defines success for you? Think about in school and in life.
Thinking More Deeply
What are 2 areas in school or life that you want to improve in?
Write out what these things mean to you and why you want to accomplish them. (At least 3-5 sentences each)
What are steps you need to take to get to achieving success in these areas? What things do you need to get out of your way?
Think about what images, song lyrics, quotes from books or move (or anything really), what individual words capture what you’re hopping to attain or achieve?
Time to Create
Visit Canva.com.
Create a free account with your school email.
Click Create Design. You can select photo collage or poster.
Open another tab and and go to Unsplash.com.
Create a Vision Board for Janurary-June of 2023!
Please feel free to ask questions.
I will ask a few of you to share out before we go!
Wrap Up
Email a .jpg file of your visions boards to me @ Nakeysha@GenreUrbanArts.org
Make sure to visit our site when you have a moment @GenreUrbanArts.com.
Follow us on IG + Tik Tok @GenreUrbanArts.