Perceptions: Media + Self

Perceptions: Media + Self

Review artifacts:

  • images

  • songs

  • lines from text, movies, tv shows

  • news

  • selfies

  • other media that depicts either who you are or who people and/or the media perceive you to be.

Click here to organize your artifacts.


The role of the artist is exactly the same as the role of the lover. If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you don’t see. - James Baldwin⁣   

This clip is taken from Lovecraft Country Season 1 Episode 9 'Rewind 1921' With Hippolyta at the helm, Leti, Tic, and Montrose travel back in time to 1921 Tulsa, through a portal created by Hippolyta to save her daughter.


 the time of Coronavirus + Social Unrest

Screen Shot 2020-10-18 at 3.15.28 PM.png

Upload your recordings here.

Next class, we will work in small groups to work on and discuss our final projects.


Black Boys Bloom as a mentor text + Ekphrastic Inspiration


Week Three