
You will create a representation of yourself using creative media. Our work in class will help you bring life to elements that you may want to consider including in your project. 

Things to consider:

  • Who are you from your own perspective… honestly?

  • What aspects of yourself are you comfortable with sharing with others?

  • What media do you want to present your project in?

    • Visual art (1-5 images)

    • Writing (1-3 works)

    • Videography (2-5 minutes film)

    • Dance (1-3 minutes)

    • Music (1 song)

    • Multimodal (a combination of the above)

    • Or something we didn’t consider… :)

  • What emotion do you want to convey?

  • What is the theme of your project?

  • If your project is multimodal, what will it contain and why?

  • How difficult (or not) is it to authentically consider your self perception through the media? 

  • Which was more difficult? Exploring media perception or self perception? Why?

Final Elements:

  1. Art Installation centered on Perception

  2. Artist statement that reflects on the project


Black Boys Bloom as a mentor text + Ekphrastic Inspiration