The Rain Loved My Eyes


After being watered& held bythe rain for so long,I wondered ifI would just drown

because I was onlysurrounded by thesounds of oceansand the pounds ofmy chest.

I kept my eyes closedso they wouldn't beexposed to anotherpossibility ofdeath

so I was readyto unfold in thewet coldness of mydistress.

Then I realized thatit was just therain pouring again.

it soaked my lungs,became my oxygenand forgave me deeplywith each breath,

it took me hostagewithin but thenI said never willI treat my stormas a death sentence,

the rain shut myeyes just to surpriseme with the magicthat we made,

teaching me to formthe curves of rainbowson faces, showing methe graces of grays,

teaching me to behavelike thunder, followingevery flash of lightbecause each is a callto life.

the rain loved my eyesand I knew it especiallysince it's mist didn'tdare leave my lidsor lashes

when the sun took itsturn to love on them.


Poisonous Love


Faded Shades of Life