Genre: Urban Arts No. 8


We are accepting submissions for are No. 8 Print! Head to our site to submit! 
Can you believe it’s been two years?

I remember the anxiety I had. I had just stop working on it and my Soshieboo said, “Just finish it already.” And Umar said, “You can do this! You’re virtually done already.” And JB @thatguywhowrote said... shit, idk, but I’m sure it was funny.

And all the other dope ass people that helped get Genre off the ground, they all said something and there was light. 
Anyways, we’ll be celebrating @bowerypoetry June 30th for #pride and for our two year celebration as a print. I hope to see y’all cute asses.

What a journey! Thank you for rocking with us. Thank you for making my vision come to fruition. It’s because of this that I know I can do anything and I hope you know you can do any thing too!

Submit here:

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Riding Blue

