Genre: Urban Arts @Bowery Poetry - Romain Thiery


Genre: Urban Arts will be at Bowery Poetry in NYC where we are having our No. 4 Print launch on June 24th, 3:30- 5pm. We will have spoken-word, live music, and other performance arts.[maxbutton id="3" ]French photographer, Romain Thiery, has been transforming abandoned places into his own personal playgrounds. As a trained pianist, he placed his passion for the instrument at the center of his photography series, " Requiem pour Pianos". In this project Romain beautifully crafted melancholic images that evoke powerful pensive thoughts among many who see them.His “Requiem for pianos” series is a proof of his attachment to piano, and photography. About fifty of his photographs are focused on a central object: the piano. Sometimes with some of its keys missing, sometimes completely dismantled but always sitting imposingly. "As a pianist myself, emotion takes over when I discover a neglected piano. This is the culmination of my art: my two passions are then united in one and the same feeling. It’s an exaltation of my artist’s life.To achieve his "Requiem pour pianos" series, he explored several countries including France, Italy, Belgium, Ukraine, Germany, Bulgaria, Spain, and Poland. "Through my images, the musical notes of these abandoned pianos reason again in these buildings in ruins, giving free rein to our imagination".Website:


Genre: Urban Arts @Bowery Poetry- Oscar Sander

