Featured Artist: Tara Flores
As a lover of creativity, I get lost from time to time in other's creative works. Whether it's a stroke of a pen or the stroke of a brush, I want to follow its inception to its completion. An artist who I admire as a thinker and creator is Tara Flores. Her works are not only lovely but also intricate. There is a world to get lost in and meditate upon once Flores has given herself to a canvas.
In October, her new series called "Boundaries Lost and Found," will be showing first at Anthropologie in downtown Seattle for the month of October. Those paintings will also be in the shop on her site.
Here's a preliminary statement for the upcoming series:
I'm sure most people can relate to having issues with emotional boundaries in relationships (like maybe all you moms of little ones who haven't peed with the door closed in a few years?) but there are also the boundaries of our physical bodies in space- kind of.
Have you ever had acupuncture and felt all fuzzy and in the midst of your groovy nap-like-meditation-state realized that you don't feel where your body ends and the space around you begins anymore? Like all your atoms were starting to spread out and float away? Just me?? We're convinced there are defined limits to what we think of as "self" but what happens when we scale down and see that we're made of atoms that are mostly made of space? Or that there are far more bacterial cells holding our body together than human ones?I love to picture what this cartoon-Fantasia-version of this tiny science would look like. The beautiful, awe-inspiring energy of it all. The boundaries, the membranes, the movement and scale of life. This is why I paint what I paint.

To view and purchase art, visit her website at www.taraflores.com. There is a shop there for the purchase of original paintings. She also has an Etsy shop with smaller prints. Her IG is @tarafloresart.
Purchase her art. Add her accounts. View her work. I promise that you will not be disappointed.
Love, peace & light,