Using Art and Writing for a Cause
Nakeysha Roberts Washington, M.S.Ed
Owner of Genre: Urban Arts
This is a safe space to share.
You may choose to share or not.Please be present and listen when your peers are speaking.
Be free in your creativity.
Show up with your full self.
Black Boys Bloom
by Von Canon
View the art work below.
Write down things you notice.
What choices do you see that the artist made? What can you infer about these choices?
What does the collection make you think about?
What questions do you have?
What connections can you make?
What are other ideas that come to mind?
Ekphrasis. “Description” in Greek. An ekphrastic poem is a vivid description of a scene or, more commonly, a work of art. Through the imaginative act of narrating and reflecting on the “action” of a painting or sculpture, the poet may amplify and expand its meaning. (
Listen to Von Canon discuss his creative method and philosophy behind the BBB series.
5 minute write. Respond in one of the following ways:
(Q) Question – ask about something in the art or discussion of art that is unclear
(C) Connect – make a connection to your life, the world, or another text (text includes any media and written text)
(P) Predict – anticipate what will occur based on what’s in the art
(CL) Clarify – answer earlier questions or confirm/disaffirm a prediction
(R) Reflect – think deeply about what the art means in a broad sense – not just to the subject (people) in the art
(E) Evaluate - make a judgment about what the artist is trying to say (adapted from
What conclusions can you draw about the world, about human nature, or just the way things work?
Review your notes.
Optional: Write a response (poem, prose, letter, or other writing), an imaginative act through narration and reflection on the “action” of one of Von Canon’s works in the blog post. You, the poet and/or great writer, should work to amplify and expand its meaning.
Problem Statement
Write a list of 5-10 issues in your community.
Rank them in order of importance.
For the top 3, write 3-5 sentences explaining their impact on the community and what action steps can help improves these situations.
Now, looking at your top 3, pick one that will be your focus for the remainder of our time together.
Prepare to share and discuss with the group.
Revise your writing from #3 (above), considering any information that came up during the discussion.
Think of this in terms of a problem in the community.
Your goal is to:
explain the problem
explain why this problem is important to you
explain how this problem impacts the community
outline ways that this problem can be rectified (fixed)
Using Creativity in Protest
Think back to the topic that you picked for your problem statement.
How can you use creativity to help people understand the details of your issue?
Using your own knowledge and research (as needed), compose a problem statement, develop a 90 second video in which you teach your audience about your topic.
Compile images and words digitally. You can create a free account on Pull images from the internet or (these are copyright free).
A protest poster is used publicly to relay disapproval of something. Using metaphor or catchy slogans can help the viewers of the protest sign understand the meaning and/ or further the impact of the meaning through the use of rhetoric.
See these climate change protest posters from the What Design Can Do.