To Boys with Green Hair
a poem by Arthur Jackson V
I stole morning
For a glass of wine
;I wanted to drown out the sound
I pictured myself a green haired boy
My reflection chimed “you aren’t held in
Passion, fever, or want”
Hiding my insecurities
In a cage fashioned from my ribs
I said “one day you will be worthy”
I still remember the sun
Setting horizon beneath my wrist
That night I huffed
A volcano bottlenecking my throat
When we lei together grapes&weeds
And called them crowns
We adorned our heads
I clasped to clench palms kneading
Their heels to wet eyes
Thinking of He and I
The sky and trees all
Beautiful like the day
We first learned to see
It was The Summer of Love
you told me not to speak
This shows me whether
in lustwords we
Would always be at war
Must a kiss be sent over soot
aimed between us?
A piece of me is lost
It is loaded
And bottled by the wine
Left to puffing cumulus whales along sky
I bend my neck back
Smoke howls at the moon
I passionned for your want
You called it starving
We weren’t loving over wargrounds
For sooted kisses
Signals smoked from a volcano
Bottlenecking my throat
I tried to forget you
In sips
You forgot me in hales
We both lost our crowns
wailing under sunset on our backs
In grass that stained our hair
And I became a Banshee
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