Genre: Urban Arts

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Merciful Dawn

Justify. Such an apologetic word.Nonetheless--yes, I've used a transition,to transition to the fact that we are justifiable.Do you need to see me to know I am smiling?Of course not. You are more than aware thatyour green makes me bloom and let go of anyfrequency of fear that may frequent my space.What is it that you want out of this world?Go to the zenith of your thoughts andtell me what you deem momentous.I need to know what pushes you to feelalive to the point that it's near deadly.Isn't that how life juts out and meddles with time?It pushes us to feel like it exists differently, more naive.And yet, we sit and meander through our thoughtsin order to turn over the real beauty that surrounds us.I hold still to the belief in love and light,your eyes more bright and telling thana crystal or a merciful dawn._________________________Photo Credit: Lanaya@writing.for.the.calm