Genre: Urban Arts

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I Rise

We're all going through something, if not now then we've all been through something at some point in our lives. My experiences are the sole inspiration for my poetry and even though this poem was part of a challenge; I believe it allowed me to tap into something I'd yet to realise until I'd written this. I rose out of debris that remained from failed relationships and friendships. Whenever we're going through something we kind of have tunnel vision. We only see the darkness and have yet to see the light at the end. Most of my posts and my new poetry recently you would've notices are mostly about surviving through hardships and self-love or learning to love yourself. This is because this is where I am and this poem details, in not so many words, how I rise to become the person I am meant to be until I'd experienced those hardships. Let this post provide you with the hope that you too rise out of the ashes your soul is burning in. It will happen and you'll be much happier for it. To see more posts like this, visit SheWrites on Instagram. Remember to like, share and follow if you love the page.Thank you for reading my poems, I welcome any comments and feedback. Until next time!