Genre: Urban Arts

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Cracked Emotions

We walk on eggshellsTiptoeing through barsPronouncing each and every vowelDotting our I's and crossing those T'sOtherwise someone might become accusatory Yes, we are living in an unfair societyYes, freedom isn't freeBut not every symbol is a direct sign of hateThere are several ways to look at everythingSome see the American flag as a symbol of hopeA reminder of those who fought to protect our rightsWhile others choose to look at is as a reminder of the rightsthat so many people are refusedMy question is this:Should we not still honor those that died,so that we can openly protest?Someone asked me recently whose side I'm on.Sighing, I said, "I'm pro-human! Everybody's equal." __________________________________Photo Credit: Lanaya@writing.for.the.calm