Genre: Urban Arts

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 Abstract art is for me a way to think outside the norm, to let go of expectations and to try and see things a little differently, even if only for a moment. Abstract art defies terms or classification, is outside of borders or -isms, it exists merely because it can and does and the meaning is ambiguous, much like life itself.

All eyes see differently, with their own biases and desires, wants and needs, and an image can mean a million different things to a million different people. Abstract art doesn't preach, it offers itself up in humbleness and piety and those who wish to worship can, those who wish to question can, and those who wish to ignore, can.
Abstract is uniqueness, it is a term designed to provide a context when context is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that you feel something, anything and consider yourself for a moment.
It is a way to create without expectation, to form freely with complete innocence, child like and full of hope, and convey an element of yourself that cannot be put into words.